Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
In this joint interview, Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report and Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout/TLAV take turns asking each other questions about their recent work and discuss different solutions and ways to prepare for what is likely to be a bumpy year ahead.

Rokfin – beautifully crafted brick in the wall? No? Let me quote from their website”’
“Creators–by sharing in the subscription–drive higher lifetime value per customer” which is typical gobbledygook indicating merely that the sheep are only there for fleece or meat. The rest of the banal marketing-speak used on the Rokfin site does not get any better; moreover, reading the Rokfin nonsense from a “subscriber” viewpoint I think it looks pretty awful to be delivered to Rokfin due to my interest in the research from Whitney Webb.
The Bill Gatesian view of the subscribers elucidated above is not the only problem; why on earth use a blockchain to record “customer” viewing activity on Rokfin then claim account information can be deleted? Thus is the fact that Rokfin is a scam further disclosed.
Also, no thanks to the immediate sharing of data with third parties such as data “analytics” companies (or marketing companies acting for content creators).
Rokfin is for the main stream, eg musicians or comedians etc that want a decent slice of the dollars from brain-dead subscribers who have no problem with their viewing behavior being archived on a verifiable blockchain.
Conversely, it is just baffling in the extreme trying to match Rokfin with free thinkers (de facto dissidents these days) as can be found visiting unlimitedhangout.
It is now July 2021 and I am predicting the sale of Rokfin to Disney or General Electric or other dark entity along with a very granular dataset of subscriber viewing habits, which will be the most valuable part of the sale seeing that it is self verified on the blockchain.