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Serie Investigativa

33 posts
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SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State

The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the "global governance regime" and to exploit threats—both real and imagined—in order to advance regime hegemony.
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Crowning the King of Wall Street

In addition to intimate associates of Leslie Wexner, JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon’s ascent to the highest tier of Wall Street power also depended heavily on the Crown family – whose deep ties to organized crime and the military-industrial complex made them one of the richest, most powerful and most corrupt families in America.
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The Rise of Jamie Dimon

As JPMorgan's ties to Jeffrey Epstein are being scrutinized in court, Whitney Webb reveals how the same powerful players who brought Epstein to prominence were largely responsible for the rise of JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon.
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The Original Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t the only billionaire philanthropist who had houses in Palm Beach, New York, Paris, London, and an island paradise, and threw elite sex parties for the rich and famous. Meet George Huntington Hartford II, the Original Jeffrey Epstein.
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SDG7: The Impossible Energy Transformation

The alleged purpose of the United Nation's (UN's) Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) is to "ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all." The real impacts of its implementation couldn’t be more different. Renewable energy is neither renewable nor sustainable and the SDG7 energy transition is only making the problem of energy poverty worse.