Whitney answers subscriber questions in this AMA.
Published 01/27/23.

Links discussed:
Panel: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”
Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks
More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
9/11 and the Politics of Fear and Self-Preservation
9/11 | Unlimited Hangout
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7
Scott Creighton
The Network Behind FTX | Rokfin. Show notes
FTX and the Curious History of Farmington State Bank
Techno-Tyranny: How The US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An Orwellian Vision
Guido Goldman, the CFR and the German Marshall Fund
Pope Francis’ Dark Past as Agent of US-Backed Military Junta in Argentina
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